Friday, November 22, 2013
News & Notes for 11-23-13
Hello Holland First Family,
Here are events happening this weekend (plus a head start on next week) and some reminders…
•Tonight! Men’s Life Group at Rich Hardenburgh’s home – 7pm
•The Gathering! Life Group for Young Adults. Meet at IHOP at 7pm on Friday, November 22nd for dinner then on to Bowling at Century Lanes!!!
•Saturday, there will be No Corporate Prayer. With the Winter months approaching a decision was made to cancel Corporate Prayer starting this Saturday. There will still be Men’s prayer every Tuesday from 6-8am and Ladies’ prayer every Thursday from 7-8am.
*Pastor Mike Houser will wrap up his series, Meditate on These Things, with a part four sermon entitled, “If there is any Virtue and if there is anything Praiseworthy”
*The First Ladies’ will be hosting their “Thanksgiving” Bake Sale after both services. Stop by the kitchen to purchase delicious pies, cookies, cupcakes and more!
*No Radiant Jr. High this Sunday so that students can hear Pastor Mike’s message which will touch on family.
*Sunday night from 6pm-7:30pm kids grade 1st-6th will have rehearsal for their Christmas Musical.
*Radiant Youth Life Group will be having their Thanksgiving get together this Sunday from 12:30pm-2pm. Students are asked to bring a side dish to pass. The main dish and beverages will be provided by the church. For questions email Pastor Chad at
•Heads up for next week Monday and Tuesday (Nov 26th & 27th): Hanging of the Greens. Make sure to stop by and help decorate the church for the Christmas season. You can come 8am-3pm or 6pm-8pm. Hope to see you there!
Also, Pastor Christina says, “Don’t forget to have kids bring in their Ugly Ties for B.G.M.C.”
Phew! I think that is it for events, reminders and everything else!!! Hope to see you soon!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Dr. Michael Youseff "Your internal compass"
There is a tension afoot in our world today. Really, it has existed from the moment mankind sinned in the Garden of Eden.
It comes as a result of our being tempted to twist the Truth of God’s Word so that we can live conveniently and not totally committed to Jesus Christ.
When an unbelieving friend wants to know if Jesus Christ is the only way for him or her to be saved, our answer should be an affirming “yes!” There is no other way for mankind to be saved except by faith in God’s Son (John 14:6).
God’s Word is a double-edged sword. It is able to cut through the dross surrounding the weak and vain arguments of those who are seeking another way to gain salvation.
It is true that sin and disbelief can keep us from speaking what we know is true. However, these cannot stop the light of God’s Word from touching the blinded eyes of those who have never experienced His salvation.
Without the light of the Holy Spirit to transform them, the hearts of men would remain in darkness. Revival never falls on the casual seekers of Christ. Instead, it falls on those who are seeking the Lord with all of their hearts.
If your deepest desire is to be radically transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit via internal revival, the truth of God’s Word must be written on your heart. It must become your internal compass for every road you travel and for all that you do.
Prayer: Lord, help my words and actions today reflect the fact that Your Word is the ultimate truth. Transform me, that I may be a reflection of You to those who do not know You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
Friday, October 25, 2013
A Timely Word!!!!
by David Wilkerson
[May 19, 1931 – April 27, 2011]
Read Revelation 2:18-29 and you will see that Christ warned the church against
the doctrine of Jezebel. "Thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth
herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication,
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols" (Revelation 2:20). The Greek word here
for Jezebel is a synonym for a “false teacher.” She clearly represents
false doctrines. Jesus clears it up by continuing, "As many as have not this
doctrine" (Revelation 2:24).
Here is a group of God's people, full of good works and charity, having a form
of faith and patience. But with all that is good and commendable, something
very dangerous is going on, something so seductive that Christ warns He will
send judgment and make them an example to all the churches. Certain members of
the church were selling out to Satan. Their good works, charity, service, faith
and patience were overshadowed by a seduction of false doctrine. They were under
the spell of a false teaching, a teaching that came disguised as the true Word
but was, in fact, evil.
It is dangerous to sit under wrong teaching and Christ does not take this
matter lightly. His eyes are piercing the Church, and He has come to warn,
expose and save His people from this terrible seduction. Where you go to
church, who you are listening to, the teaching that has your heart is very,
very serious.
The mark of a seduced Christian is that he is "carried about" seeking some new,
different, strange teaching. The Bible warns, "Be not carried about with
different and strange doctrines" (Hebrews 13:9). This is speaking of running
from place to place, seminar to convention, church to church, having no roots.
The ears of such people are always itching to hear something new, something
sensational, something entertaining, something pleasing to their flesh. We get
them at Times Square Church: gadabouts, human tumbleweeds riding the winds of
doctrines. They resemble the Athenians who "spent their time in nothing else,
but either to tell, or to hear some new thing" (Acts 17:21). Paul warned
Timothy, "They will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall
they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears" (2 Timothy 4:3).
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Only Way to Freedom
By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Many preach that one must achieve nirvana, have good karma, follow certain principles, be knowledgeable enough, or pray a certain number of times a day in order to attain perfection. They believe that the way to freedom is working for a seat in heaven, which can lead to a lifestyle of constant fear, confusion, and anxiety. But Jesus preached differently.
In the midst of these exhausting lifestyles, Jesus stands alone. In a time when many were burnt out on the religion of the Pharisees, Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
This promise is just as relevant and powerful to us today as it was 2,000 years ago. Many people admire Jesus but become disillusioned when they see Christians who are hypocritical, anxious, legalistic, and tired. The truth is, Jesus did not die for us to live this way—He died for us to live in freedom.
In Galatians, one of Paul’s most fervent letters, Paul warned against Judaizers who were preaching that Jesus’ work was not enough. They taught that salvation was only achieved through following Old Testament laws in addition to faith in Jesus. Jesus Himself rebuked the Pharisees for trying to be perfect through their works (see Matthew 23:25-28), which is self-righteousness.
So what is true righteousness? Paul’s letters remind us that “the righteous will live by faith” (Galatians 3:11, Romans 1:17, Romans 4:22). If you truly believe that Jesus gave His life for you, then His righteousness already covers you. Transformation then comes from an inward connection to Jesus, the source, changing you from the inside out.
Good works are not our salvation, but they are the proof of a faith-filled life. Our works do not change us; His grace does that. Jesus did not die for us to work our way into His good graces—He became the way so that we might live in His grace eternally, starting today. This grace is so powerful that our desire to love God and others becomes greater than our desire to sin, provoking us to then do good works.
Do you know that Jesus’ work is enough for you? The perfect life He lived, the obedient death He died, and the victorious Resurrection He won are enough to transform you into His likeness today. All He needs from you is an open heart.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
A Word that will Speak!!!!!!!
by David Wilkerson
[May 19, 1931 – April 27, 2011]
“For I am the Lord thy God . . . and I have loved thee. . . . Fear not: for I
am with thee" (Isaiah 43:3-5).
The Old Testament stories of Abraham, Joshua and all of Israel are meant to
encourage and exhort us to seek God’s presence in our lives. We can thank God
for what His presence did for them and yet each of us has a powerful testimony
of what God's presence has done for us: guiding our lives, opening doors,
moving obstacles, melting hearts, making us fearless.
I have seen this proven true in my life. You may say, "You're just boasting!"
No, the fact is, God's presence has been with me in spite of myself!
When we started Times Square Church in New York City, the presence of Christ
emanated from us in all we did. I remember walking into a famous Broadway
producer's office in search of a theater to use as a church. This man's
secretary and staff scoffed at me; their words and attitudes assured me, a
lowly minister, I would not be able to get an appointment. In fact, I thought I
might even get kicked out. But then the producer came out of his office and when
he saw me, he invited me in!
Over the next several weeks, the producer and I got to know each other. At
times he would look across his desk at me and say, "I don't know why I'm
spending so much time with you. My schedule is absolutely full." But whenever I
walked into his office suite, his secretary pushed me past all other visitors,
saying, "Go right in, Reverend, he's waiting for you!"
Eventually, this man sold his flagship theater to us to use for Times Square
Church. Even as he was signing the documents of sale, he said, "I don't know
why I'm doing this!" It was only God's presence that moved him to sell that
building to us. Just a few years after the deal was done, he and his attorneys
were begging to buy it back!
I saw God change the hearts of others as well. The man who owned the building
next to ours refused to sell it to us as an annex. But over time he became a
friend of mine, and eventually he sold us the building. All along, he kept
telling me, "Somebody up there is working for you!"
That is the power of the presence of God. And every Christian can testify in
the same way: "God's presence with me has done great things!"
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
News and Notes for Wednesday, Sept. 25
Hello Holland First Family,
Here is what’s happening this week at church…
•Wednesday (25th) – Family Night at 7pm: Men’s Class: The Quest for Authentic Manhood. Ladies’ Class: Kingdom Woman plus ministry for Youth and kids!
•Thursday (26th) – Ladies’ Prayer from 6-8am, Men’s Life Group at 7pm at Rich Hardenburgh’s home
•Friday (27th) – The Gathering! This Life Group for Young Adults will meet at Johnny Carino’s at 7pm
•Saturday – Men’s Breakfast at 9am, Corporate Prayer from 6-8pm, both events are at the church
•Sunday – There will be an evening service this Sunday at 6pm because it’s a fifth Sunday. We’ll have ACCESS night,
Water Baptisms, and our S.N.A.C. potluck!!! Everyone bring a dish to pass and 2 liter beverage.
Do you attend the 11am service and have a fast internet connection? Would you be interested in uploading the sermon audio and video each week? No experience necessary - training provided. Please contact Lisa Horton at or 616-990-4263. Thanks!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Pastor Mike News & Notes for Thursday, Sept. 12
Hello Holland First Family,
We had a great first week of double services. We had 415 in attendance! Praise God! I am believing that moving to two services will enable us to do more towards the Great Commission and that is "Winning the Lost!" Believe with me.
I want to let the church know that we do have a 5th Sunday night service on Sept. 29th at 6p.m. We only have them once per quarter, but this one falls on the same month we moved to double services in the morning and stopped our 1st and 3rd 6p.m. services. So, mark your calendars and do plan on being here Sunday night, Sept. 29th at 6p.m. for ACCESS Night. A night of praise & worship, water baptisms and then S.N.A.C. night. Everyone is to bring a dish to pass and a 2-liter of pop.
Take care and have a great rest of your week,
Pastor Mike Houser
Senior Pastor
Thursday, August 22, 2013
News & Notes for August 22, 2013
Hello Holland First Family,
Here are a few reminders for this coming weekend…
-HayDay VBS is this weekend!!! Friday and Saturday night from 6-8:30 pm for Kindergarten-5th Grade.
-The Gathering(Young Adult Life Group for mid-20’s and up) will meet at El Rancho, Friday, August 23rd at 7pm.
-Saturday is Corporate Prayer from 6-8 pm. Please meet upstairs in the Youth Room due to VBS in the Sanctuary for this Saturday.
-On Sunday, Pastor Mike Houser will continue his morning series, “I AM” (Part 3) with a message entitled “The Way, The Truth, & The Life.”
-Also, Life Groups meet this Sunday. Note: Radiant Youth Life Group will meet right after church and head to Peach Wave for Ice Cream!! They will return to the church at 2 pm.
Be Blessed as we enter into a weekend of Praise and Worship!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
News & Notes for August 1, 2013
Hello Holland First Family,
•Tonight at 6:30pm, Key Leaders meeting, for those who received a letter. Please meet in the Youth Room. Childcare is provided.
•Also tonight at 7pm – Men’s Fellowship at Rich Hardenburgh’s home.
•Saturday, August 3rd Cookout & Pool Party for 5th graders going into 6th grade this year. Noon-3pm. RSVP with Pastor Christina at
•Sunday AM service Pastor Mike will share a message plus we will have Communion. Come back at 6pm for Worship and a message from Pastor Larry. ***Note: We will NOT have S.N.A.C. potluck this Sunday night but have moved it to Sunday, August 18th. That evening we will have a special Honduras Testimony night with a “Mexican” S.N.A.C potluck.***
Thursday, July 18, 2013
News and Notes for the weekend of July 20-21
Hello Holland First Family,
Here are a few events to keep in mind for the weekend…
•TONIGHT! Men’s Fellowship at Rich Hardenburgh’s home – 7pm
•There is a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday at the church at 9a.m. No cost – just donations.
•Also on Saturday from 1:30-4:30p.m. stop by the church to have your vehicle washed by Radiant youth and help them with their fundraiser for National Fine Arts. No set price – taking donations!!!
•Sunday at 10am Pastor Mike will be concluding his series, “Not a Fan!” We will also have guest Missionary Flynn Clanton with us. He will be sharing for a few minutes on his work in Argentina. And don’t forget about the special love offering we will be taking for the Honduras Missions Team. Please be in prayer as to what God would have you give.
•Sunday night at 6pm we will have a special “Honduras Missions Team Commissioning Service.” We will be anointing and praying for the entire team. Don’t miss this opportunity to send them out with your prayers.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
News & Notes for the Weekend of July 13-14
Hello Holland First Family,
Here are some reminders as we head into the weekend…
•Tonight at 7pm Men’s Fellowship at Rich Hardenburgh’s home
•Friday Night Softball! Games originally scheduled for July 5th were moved to this Friday night, July 12th
6:30pm – First Assembly vs. First Assembly #2 – Kraai Field
7:30pm – First Assembly vs. Peace Lutheran – Kraai Field
8:30pm – First Assembly #2 vs. Graafschap Young Guns – Kraai Field
•Saturday, July 13th 1-4pm Puppet Boot camp at the church with Pastor Christina; for those interested in learning the art of puppetry and prop making.
•This Sunday Pastor Mike Houser will be back in the pulpit! He will continue his series, “Not a Fan!” There will be child dedications. And it’s a Life Group Sunday so make plans to join a group for the afternoon. Don’t forget the Pretzel Sale after service! Support the Marriage Retreat and stop by the kitchen to purchase a soft pretzel with cheese for only $2.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
News & Notes for Thursday, June 27
Hello Holland First Family,
•Tonight! Radiant Youth will be attending a Whitecaps game. Cost is $15 and covers the cost of a ticket and food purchases. Students will leave from the church at 5pm and return around 10:30pm
•Holland First Softball Schedule – Friday, June 28
6:30pm – First Assembly vs. Barnabas Gray – Bil Mar Field
6:30pm – First Assembly #2 vs. Peace Lutheran – Kraai Field
7:30pm – First Assembly vs. Hope Church – Kraai Field
•For those who are interested in taking the Purple Book/Discipleship class, we are restarting the book this Sunday from 9:00 – 9:45. If you have any questions, please contact Geoff Brinkman ( and remember the book is free! Childcare is available upon request. Contact the church office at (616) 396-5646 so that arrangements may be made.
•This Sunday during the 10am service we will be honoring our Nation and Armed forces in light of the upcoming Holiday. Please feel free to come dressed in your military uniform.
•Sunday Night at…
5pm - FINAL Honduras Missions Trip meeting. Please make every effort to attend. Meet in the Prayer Room
5:30pm – Water Baptism orientation class. It’s not too late to join. Meet upstairs in the Staff Conference Room. Bring your Bible, change of clothes and a towel.
6pm – ACCESS night! A time of intimate worship to the King.
***Note: Family Night will be canceled Wednesday, July 3rd in light of the 4th of July Holiday taking place the next day.***
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
6-13-13 NEWS!!!!!!
Friday, May 10, 2013
We Know the Ending!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Weekend News for May 4 & 5
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Update on ministry weekend with Evangelist Rick Pasquale....
He will be with us on Sunday, May 5th in our 10a.m. and 6p.m. services.
He will not be with us on Saturday, May 4th.
Hope to see you at both of these powerful services on Sunday, May 5th.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Our Life Stories
Friday, April 12, 2013
Weekend of April 13-14 Holland First activities and ministries
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Wonderful devotional from the late David Wilkerson
Friday, April 5, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Easter Weekend of Ministry
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
News & Notes (Feb. 19, 2013)
Friday, February 15, 2013
Newcomer lunch this Sunday, Feb. 17th after the AM service
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Powerful Devotional by Dr. Michael Youssef
January 31, 2013
A Devoted Heart
By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Once while visiting President Roosevelt in the White House, Wendell Willkie asked, "Mr. President, why do you keep that frail, sickly man—Harry Hopkins—constantly at your elbow?"
Without hesitation, Roosevelt replied, "Through that door flows an incessant stream of men and women who almost invariably want something from me. Harry Hopkins only desires to serve and to do that well. He must stay near me."
The same thing can be said of David. When Samuel first saw him, he almost questioned God's judgment. The Lord's choice for Israel's future king was the youngest of Jesse's sons. He was ruddy in appearance and did not look like kingly material. But Samuel wasn't able to see David from God's perspective.
Many times, for us to gain God's perspective we have to be willing to let go of our limited and often personality-skewed viewpoint. David was a man whose heart was devoted to God. He wanted nothing more than to worship the Lord and be close to Him.
Much of the book of Psalms was penned by David. Many entries were written while he tended his father's sheep. He was a content man because he had learned how to practice the presence of God. It was there in his father's fields that he realized God's hand was on his life.
David was loyal and faithful. And God knew that whatever happened in this young man's life, he would never abandon his godly faith.
Prayer: Lord, make me like David—a person with a heart devoted only to You. Fashion within me a heart of worship like this. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).
Friday, January 25, 2013
Announcements for weekend of Jan. 26-27
Hello Holland First Family,
Well as you can see we are covered with snow and that means…
*The K-5th sledding event is ON for Saturday!!! We’ll meet up at Van Raalte Hill from 10am-Noon. Dress warm, bring your sleds and we’ll provide the hot chocolate!
*Corporate Prayer every Saturday at 7pm in the Sanctuary
*Sunday morning Pastor Mike Houser will finish out his series on FEAR with a message entitled, “You Know the Way, But Tell Others.” It is also a Life Group Sunday.
*Students participating in Youth Fine Arts begin practice this Sunday. They will need to bring $3 for a pizza lunch. Practice will go from 12-2pm
Have a BLESSED weekend!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Weekend events for Jan. 18, 2013
Friday at 7p.m. WeR3 Couples Game night. Bring a 2-liter and a snack to share. Also, bring your favorite game.
Saturday at Noon- Men's lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings
Sunday- 10a.m. Pastor Mike Houser continues his current series, "Fear" with a part 3 message entitled, "Satan's Top Priority." Come back at 6p.m. for a time of praise & worship and a message from Pastor Mike Houser as he continues his current evening series, "God is....." with a part two message entitled, "God is listening to your words."
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
News & Notes for 1-9-13
Hello Holland First Family,
Here are some reminders for the week…
*Tonight is Family night at 7pm. Amazing classes and ministries for adults, teens, and kids.
*Golden Anchor’s LUNCH tomorrow at noon. Russ’ (north side)
*Men’s Life Group at Rich Hardenburgh’s home tomorrow night at 7pm
*Creative Arts ministry meeting at Holland First - Saturday January 12 from 10:00-11:30 AM. Anyone who currently serves or would like to serve in the areas of music, vocals, video, sound, and graphics should plan on attending. Pastor Larry will share the vision for 2013 as well as some important procedural information.
*Child Dedications are this Sunday (13th). If you would like your child dedicated please email Pastor Mike Houser at by noon – Friday, January 11th
We also need to make you aware of two changes:
•The Men’s Fajita dinner fundraiser has been moved to Sunday, January 20th. This will allow for people to pre-order their dinners. Stop by the designated table in the narthex this Sunday and place your order.
The Women’s Bake Sale will now be Sunday, January 27th after the morning service.
Friday, January 4, 2013
1st Sunday at Holland First
Hello Holland First Family,
I hope you all are enjoying the first week of the New Year! Here are a few announcements as we head into the weekend…
*Come out for Corporate Prayer Saturday at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Open to everyone.
*Sunday we have both AM and PM services. Pastor Mike Houser will begin a new sermon series for both morning and evening services.
•Sermon series for the AM is “FEAR!” with a part one message entitled, “Facing Your Fears.” We will be partaking of communion in the morning as well.
•Sermon series for the PM is “God is…………” with a part one message entitled, “God is Wanting You to Keep a Proper Perspective.” Plus we will be having our S.N.A.C. potluck after service. Everyone bring a dish to pass and a 2 liter beverage.
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